Washing Your Windows The Smart Way

Are You Aware Of How Double- And Single-Hung Windows Are Different?

When it comes to making upgrades to your home, you can't go wrong with installing brand new windows. This is because they are going to be much more energy efficient than the old windows on your home and update the aesthetics by making it look stylish. You'll start seeing immediate benefits with this home improvement. Part of the upgrade process will involve selecting the best type of window for your home, with double- and single-hung windows being the two most common types. Read More 

5 Ways To Help Your Old Windows Be More Efficient

Winter is right around the corner, and if you live in a northern climate, you know how the howling winds can create cold drafts in your house. If you have old and rickety windows, it can be even worse. According to the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC), the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) believes over $35 billion of energy is lost through windows. Here's five ways you can batten down the hatches without buying new windows and still keep Old Man Winter out of your home. Read More 

Opening Your Home To Guests? 3 Reasons To Get Window Cleaning Done

Having guests at your home can be a great way to earn some extra money, especially if you live in a highly desirable area and have a lot of spare room at home to convert into a guest bedroom and bathroom. If you are looking into what needs to be done before you begin inviting guests to your home for vacation stays, you should make sure to take care of cleaning. Read More 

Want To Extend The Lifetime Of Your Wood Blinds? 3 Ways To Do So

Dressing your windows up with wood blinds can be a good way to ensure that you have extra privacy at home as well as improve the way that your windows look. If you're eager to get wood blinds installed and are concerned over how long they will last, it's important that you look into what kind of maintenance will likely be needed. Understanding what's required for maintenance should help make the difference between the blinds lasting for a year or many years to come without any restoration work being needed. Read More 

3 Window Treatment And Improvement Solutions To Give Your Home Storm Protection

Storm seasons can be a problem for the average home, which may not have modern features to help protect it from damage. One of the most damaging parts of storms is the high winds that they bring. The winds can blow glass out of windows and expose your home to debris and other damage. This is why one of the best improvements that you can do for your home is installing window treatments to protect your home. Read More